Are social networks good for you?

This is a serious question, and I don’t have answer to it. There is plenty of researches that say they are bad. But we all know how to use them and each of us found some good use for it…. (Read more)
I am special and unique (just like everybody else). Please give me your attention!
This is a serious question, and I don’t have answer to it. There is plenty of researches that say they are bad. But we all know how to use them and each of us found some good use for it…. (Read more)
There is so much different ways and platforms to get Andy Warhol’s 5 minutes of fame, or 15… Doesn’t matter, because it is 5 or 15 minutes of fame on average – some will have whole lives of fame, most… (Read more)
I have decided to use this web page to promote myself on one more way – sharing music that I accidentally made.
What is the perfect size of blog posts? Why care? It actually can affect how much people will read what I write and think about sharing. Some time ago 500 words was perfect, now it is more like 2000+. I… (Read more)