Foundry heat

Foundries are very hot. Most of the time they deal with molten metal, and for iron depending on type that happens from 1100 to 1600°C. But if you don’t touch or lick anything it can be fun and interesting place…. (Read more)
I am special and unique (just like everybody else). Please give me your attention!
Foundries are very hot. Most of the time they deal with molten metal, and for iron depending on type that happens from 1100 to 1600°C. But if you don’t touch or lick anything it can be fun and interesting place…. (Read more)
As all other generalizations this one is also wrong. There is recycling in Sweden, a lot of recycling, but it is not same everywhere. I will describe how it is going on in place where I live at the moment…. (Read more)
Universeum je zanimljiva atrakcija, narocito za decu. A i meni je bilo poprilicno zabavno. Ulaznica kosta 175 kruna. Za te pare mogu da se vide razne ribe, sitnije zitovinje i da se u zimskim danima uziva u toplom i vlaznom… (Read more)