Dead duck

A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his… (Read more)
I am special and unique (just like everybody else). Please give me your attention!
A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his… (Read more)
I have bought one pomegranate, and used this opportunity to check how much of it I’ll actually eat. Mass of untouched pomegranate was 626g and mass of waste was 243 g. That means I ate 383g of it (61%) and… (Read more)
Few weeks ago I managed to steal some time to visit Oslo. Weather was quite cold and windy, but without rain. I was in few-hours walk through city center. When I arrived I found parking near Opera, so naturally first… (Read more)
There is so much different ways and platforms to get Andy Warhol’s 5 minutes of fame, or 15… Doesn’t matter, because it is 5 or 15 minutes of fame on average – some will have whole lives of fame, most… (Read more)
As all other generalizations this one is also wrong. There is recycling in Sweden, a lot of recycling, but it is not same everywhere. I will describe how it is going on in place where I live at the moment…. (Read more)
During my visit in August to client in Czech republic I had few hours to spend in Prague which I used to walk around center and have dinner. Here are few photos with short comments. If you didn’t visit Prague… (Read more)
Got asked some days ago if pingulingo is delivering what it promises – 2 week program for learning of different foreign languages. I think it doesn’t. First of all, 2 weeks is not enough for anything. Claiming that something could… (Read more)
Very often as one of good things of my job I mentioned possibility or unwritten rule that says if I work during weekend I can take one day of paid vacation more. And it is great, work for the weekend… (Read more)
I bought Titan Rower SR890 rowing machine some time ago. Due to work and laziness I didn’t use it so much. Even if it is still new, seat started squeaking. I have ignored it until now, when this squeaking turned… (Read more)
New music experiment. Not that bad as usual.
I have decided to use this web page to promote myself on one more way – sharing music that I accidentally made.
I am almost always nice person. Except when I’m tired, then I’m just a person.
Here is one very boring, short and wrongly recorded video of airplane propeller. It doesn’t look so weird as it could, but still it’s mildly funny. This funny look of propeller is also known as “Progressive Scan Effect”. It happens… (Read more)
So i’m just gonna dump these here. They are all from early 2003, some mixes, some experiments, some just pure nonsense. I have a feeling that I was much more creative then when I didn’t know anything. Now I still… (Read more)
What is the perfect size of blog posts? Why care? It actually can affect how much people will read what I write and think about sharing. Some time ago 500 words was perfect, now it is more like 2000+. I… (Read more)
I am not a fan of fat girls. I find them ugly, no matter the face or the soul. Sometimes I think about how should sex look, what would be the possibilities and impossibilities of making love to somebody who… (Read more)
I wonder what would be the taste and texture of smoothie if i would put “cement” instead of “cimet” in blender.
Universeum je zanimljiva atrakcija, narocito za decu. A i meni je bilo poprilicno zabavno. Ulaznica kosta 175 kruna. Za te pare mogu da se vide razne ribe, sitnije zitovinje i da se u zimskim danima uziva u toplom i vlaznom… (Read more)
Naisao sam na omanji supermarket, pa sam usao da kupim ponesto za veceru. Uz to sam pribelezio i cene kojecega, cisto za uspomenu i dugo secanje na svedski standard… sta SEK RSD Jaje 3.2 41.6 Banane kg 23 299 Pecurke… (Read more)
Danas sam se igrao sa ziroskopom. Jedna fina baka je pristala da me snimi. Nije bas vicna video snimanju al bar ga nije prekinula pre vremena…
It took me 10 hours with 3 trains to get from Pasevalk to Iphofen. On the train station lovely owner of the hotel waited for me and brought me to the hotel. Hotel is located in middle of fortified village…. (Read more)